

Quantum Dots-dry fluorescence immunoassay

Intended Use

NT-proBNP Rapid Quantitative Test is a fluorescence immunoassay for vitro quantitative measurement of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in human serum, plasma or whole blood It is used for predicting the risk of heart failure.


Clinical Department

Internal Medicine-Cardiovascular Department,Clinical lab, ED, ICU, CCU,Pediatric / Neonatology Department, Hematology, Chest pain center, etc.

Product Parameters Clinical application

[Product Name]NT-proBNP

[Sample Type]Serum/plasma, whole blood

[Intended Use]

NT-proBNP Rapid Quantitative Test is a fluorescence immunoassay for vitro quantitative measurement of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in human serum, plasma or whole blood It is used for predicting the risk of heart failure.

[Clinical Department]

Internal Medicine-Cardiovascular Department,Clinical lab, ED, ICU, CCU,Pediatric / Neonatology Department, Hematology, Chest pain center, etc.

① Early detection for patients with heart failure;

② Diagnosis and risk stratification of heart failure;

③ Distinguishing dyspnea caused by heart failure from other diseases;

④ Monitoring and prognostic assessment of heart failure treatment;

⑤ Screening and diagnosis for non-cardiac heart failure patients;

⑥ As an aid in the risk stratification for ACS.

